Sovereign Storytelling

Sovereign Storytelling

Very often people are angry and dismissive of getting exactly what they need.

This is because our programming is designed to make us believe we cannot have our needs met, and so we develop personal opinions and philosophies that very conveniently reinforce our unconscious programming.

We actually CAN have our needs met, we CAN get what we want.

There are many, many examples of this.

The person who believes (has a personal philosophy) that rich people are evil – this is a convenient landing because this is the same persona who is allergic to developing a passive income stream.

The person who hates men or hates women and believes “men only want one thing” or “women only want one thing” ” – this is a convenient landing because they feel inept at whatever they are projecting onto the other.

The person who thinks that “the other” political affiliation is downright WRONG – this is a convenient landing because they themselves are deeply afraid of being WRONG.

The person who thinks that there is a RIGHT way and a WRONG way to do a specific type of art/craft/music/etc – this is a convenient landing because they themselves have an unacknowledged NEED which is NOT being met.

This is why in an earlier post I said all personal philosophies are landings. Every conclusion we come to which is NOT a living, breathing, dynamic, universally true law of the universe is a landing, which means an avoidance of addressing an underlying belief.

I am NOT suggesting gaslighting ourselves – that is wholly different. Self-gaslighting is ALSO a landing and a personal philosophy that is designed to avoid Seeing underlying constructs.

This cycle does NOT need to go on forever. It requires appropriate training and focus to tune into these programs in the body in a truthful way which does not require us to be perfect in order to discern what is true.

The storytelling examples I gave above are codependent in nature. They utilize the rational mind in a way that depends on a disempowering agreement to exist.
As soon as this agreement is revealed or broken and this dependency cannot exist, it becomes totally obvious where self-responsibility and choice is being pushed away.

Sovereignty is the opposite of codependency. This is the state of being autonomous and self-sufficient. This is in reference to an energetic and psychological state and doesn’t discount the benefits of interdependency.

Stories are fed to us on a grand scale and then harbored in our own personal body/mind microcosm. From religious iconography to marketing, to the school system, to the medical and legal systems, stories of “right and wrong” have made their ways into hijacking our minds and then we have become totally convinced that our minds are free to choose – as we long as are choosing exactly the conclusions we have been fed to freely choose.

The worldwide film and television system is a literal encapsulation of these mediocre conclusions, personal philosophies, and landings that the general public has identified with. And illustrate exactly where seeking for universal truth has been effectively halted in favor of a wide-scale freeze response.

As story codes are hacked by modern mages and consciousness daredevils, the liberation of access to new stories has the ability to FINALLY break down the chains that bind us, especially within our unconscious insistence on suffering.

A NEW story is being told. It is generative and ALIVE and relevant and adaptive.

It is truly FOR you and not for your entertainment.
The gap between these two is IMMENSE.



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Joshua Edjida
Lead Storyweaver
Joshua Edjida is a multidimensional artist, experience designer, author, public speaker/comedian, and transformational leadership facilitator. Originally from California, he currently lives in Colorado, and also enjoys traveling in Thailand, Bali, or in Europe.

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