If she doubts his devotion

If she doubts his devotion, she has to test it. That’s the only way they can both know it’s real. If he’s lying to himself, that lie has got to be revealed. Her doubt is a gift. She is using it to squeeze every last doubt from him until he chooses completely “yes I’m in”, […]

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True submission

True submission is how she leads him spiritually… The key difference is not actually the submission component, but how it is misused and misrepresented. What is described there is not actually submission, it is giving up and giving away one’s power. True submission is how she leads him spiritually. It is never bartered or exchanged, […]

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Sorry, not sorry

I lost a lot of friends when I stopped identifying with suffering. It was very much worth it. Some people want me to stay relatable. But that’s not who I am. Sorry, not sorry. I am much more humble this way, to life and to myself.

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“I love you”

Honestly, most people are saying “I love you” because they want to hear it back. This is dishonest communication. This is called “Giving to get”, and is a form of manipulation. “Thank you” is not a bad response to “I love you”. It doesn’t mean the other person doesn’t love you, it means they feel […]

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Cat Magic

Last night I was teaching Cat Magic to my cat. I’ve learned (and of course am always learning) how magic works for humans, and last night I learned how to communicate with my cat in a way no one had ever communicated with him before. The transmission comes through physical touch, responsiveness and pressure, telepathic […]

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How to Receive a Woman’s Love

Dear Men.   A woman’s perspective, felt experience, and developmental process is considerably different than a man’s.   For a man, understanding a woman’s communication style and underlying agenda is often highly counterintuitive and thus is seems incredibly mysterious.   It is in fact incredibly simple. Men tend to make things much more complex than […]

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The Hidden Predator in Women and Men

The Hidden Predator in Women and Men ———————————————– Is this person a predator, is that person a predator? Am I a predator, are you a predator? Predation. The “ultimate topic” within transformation and shamanic integration of the true self. This issue cannot be avoided any longer, as it has increasingly revealed itself and become more […]

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