Needs are a portal into the true self.
Experiencing needs is a very human thing.
Under that need is an unprocessed emotion.
The need is not met because the emotion is not met.
Judging (and not expressing) the need keeps the perception of the need stuck in place.
Simply because a need may be “coming from codependency”, does not mean it is illegal to express.
Expressing a codependent need gives one the experience they need to have, though it may perhaps be messy.
That messiness creates the shuffle necessary to sort out unconscious attachments.
One thing I have had to come to terms with is my need to be right. This is of course a codependent need.
Without expressing it, though, it was being repressed and judged inside of me. By expressing it I reveal my fear of being wrong.
This doesn’t mean I am necessarily wrong.
Right and wrong don’t actually even exist.
It is simply fear.
And so of course when that is denied and unprocessed I am a magnet to people who NEED me to be wrong until that no longer has any charge for me.
My NEED is therefore not what it appears to be, but is a valuable gateway nonetheless.
If I try to skip steps, then I am spiritually bypassing.
People will come up with a million and one ways to make your needs wrong because they have a habit of silencing their own needs.
Each time an unmet need is realized, a pulse of blossoming enters the nervous system. This process is precious, whether or not other people validate it.