The exact same words

The exact same words can be coming from strength or from weakness.
If you can’t FEEL where it’s coming from, you are not understanding what is being communicated.
“I’m leaving” can be an act of revenge or an act of creation.
“Not today” can be said in humor or from fear.
“I love you” can be spoken in a phony way or in a genuinely authentic and humble way.
Everything we say and do comes down to the energy with which it is done.
Men have a notoriously difficult time sensing this energy.
Women are much more skilled at sensing this energy, innately.
Men place much more value on protocols and “being right”.
Women have a much better innate understanding of true authenticity and place much more energy on what is unfolding NOW.
If a woman brings up something from the past, she is focused on how she feels about it NOW.
If a man brings up something from the past, he is likely focusing on it as PROOF and EVIDENCE of some conclusion.
When women say they want consistency, they are generally referring to a consistency of energy. Honest energy comes with honest actions.
The actions are a side effect. The energy is paramount.
When a man attempts to be consistent, he is likely much less focused on the energy and is overly focused on the actions. Then, naturally, he RESENTS his OWN actions because he didn’t get right with the energy in the first place. And then he needs to cite every single thing he has provided because he did so from a place OUT of integrity. As a means of appearing RIGHT and therefore sculpting an image of being ENTITLED to love.
It doesn’t need to be like this. The whole system is breaking down. Validating is NOT an external event.
If one is in touch with their own innate validity when communicating, they are NOT trying to shift the outcome of another person’s choices. They do NOT feel powerless.
And any hopelessness inside of their human then has a safe space to come up and be processed.
A creation is worlds apart, vibrationally, from a reaction.
If you cannot See which (or percentage of which) someone is communicating from, you are not accurately understanding what they are saying.
The same Seeing applies to each of OURSELVES.
While this subtle context may be invisible, the IMPACT is quite literally everything.

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