Attempted affirmations

**Attempted affirmation:** I’m not afraid to change.
**The hidden lie:** I avoid change by doing affirmations. This will help me stay hidden.
**Attempted affirmation:** I am the love and I am the light.
**Hidden, false identity:** No, I’m not. I suck, and I’m inherently wrong, and I’m doing affirmations so I don’t have to face that pain.
**Attempted affirmation:** My partner or my family member (or my friend) is beautiful and is having their own journey, and I can accept them as they are.
**Avoided identity:** This is never going to work. I hate that person, and I hate myself for hating that person, and I hate myself for hating myself. I don’t want to expose myself to situations that force me to remember that because I would like to delay processing it for as long as possible, even if it makes me sick or kills me or messes my life up in the process of avoiding that.
**Attempted affirmation:** I can do anything I set my mind to and I’m the creator of my own life.
**Unprocessed, hidden identity:** I’m deeply embarrassed about my immature sexuality and I want to convince myself it doesn’t exist and I don’t want to do the work required to process that resistance because it’s so vulnerable.
**Attempted affirmation:** I can laugh or have a sense of humor about life because I’m a soul and it’s all just a dream anyway, so I don’t have to take anything seriously.
**Hidden belief:** I am playing peekaboo with my wounding and I act as if I can make it not exist by pretending it’s not there and if I convince other people that I’ve addressed it already, their approval is going to help me stay in what I consider to be a “high vibe” (when actually it’s a highly avoidant vibe). Let’s just put on a show forever.
**Attempted affirmation:** I can accept other people’s feedback graciously with open arms.
**Hidden perspective:** I am hyper vigilant, and I’m on the lookout for anyone who might be disrespecting or projecting onto me because I’m projecting onto them, that they’re projecting onto me on purpose out of some kind of vengeful conspiracy where I will feel unseen and I need to be seen in order to maintain my phony happiness and enlightenment persona.
Bonus: **Convenient belief about AI:** AI is dangerous and artificial because it doesn’t have a soul.
**Hidden belief:** I’m afraid that my hidden beliefs and the hidden beliefs of my fellow human are going to accidentally be programmed into AI and since we can’t be trusted, AI can’t be trusted either. For example, if I were to see an extraterrestrial make an AI robot, I wouldn’t have the same exact fear about that AI robot, because it’s not going to have the same unprocessed emotions because I inherently know ET’s don’t have the same subconscious identity issues.

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