Truth is inconvenient

Truth is inconvenient when we have created a persona and a business and maybe even a relationship and a family around a lie. Then, anyone who mentions the lie is seen by the persona as an enemy, even if it’s actually helpful. This is how most of the world operates. This is what makes the […]

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Confidence is a persona

Confidence is a persona. There is no one to be confident. “You” don’t need to learn how to be confident. This is a false construct. Is the sun confident? Is a newborn baby confident? It’s just an idea. Life grows. Nature is allowed to be nature. You’re off the hook from being somebody.

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Universal principles

People often get pissed off about universal principles because they can appear to de-value their unique perspective. We can easily shun an approach which is helpful, from a place of rebellion. It only hurts themselves. People get stuck for years and decades due to this rebellion. This includes over-loyalty to religious affiliation, cultures of origin, […]

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There is nothing wrong with you

Every distortion you have is a reflection of a deeper truth. There is nothing wrong with you. You are a holy, innocent being. Doing “the work” is necessary and can be extremely challenging, but please don’t imagine this is a reflection of who YOU are. It is totally unrelated. Your nervous system state doesn’t define […]

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Allowing Projections

As a guide for people on their personal journeys I have had to realize over the course of many years that it is very important for me to allow people to have their projections and misunderstandings about me. If for example they see me as a narcissist or manipulator or however it is that they […]

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Hunger seeks hunger

A huge amount of “spiritual community” consists of people hungrily seeking resonance. A community who “just gets me”. And sometimes, they find it. But which “me” do they “get”? The shadow self. Hunger seeks hunger. Trauma seeks trauma. Grasping seeks grasping. And so when we want to find out who “resonates” with our journey, we […]

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How much love is Enough?

How much love is Enough? —————————– When a man is loved properly, he stops needing and desiring to “get” love – the love he receives works to restore his integrity. Then, he becomes capable of focusing on giving love without expectation for it ever being returned. His natural way of “receiving” love is facilitated through […]

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Theater is Innate

Theater is Innate ——————– Storytelling didn’t pop up by accident – it is a natural and innate way for the human nervous system to process thoughts, experiences, and emotions. The popularity of the ancient Greek theater eventually evolved into the popularity of movies and television today. It is unfortunate that this is relegated to “entertainment” […]

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