Better I let them come to me

If someone is struggling, better I let them come to me when they’re ready. If I see someone’s delusions, I don’t want to say too much about it without being asked. It’s not my business. Even if I want to help. What is my business is when I have a trusting relationship and there is […]

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The friction of an awakened woman

The sleeping man can not STAND the friction of an awakened woman who refuses to surrender to him before he is qualified. She knows she is better off alone! Validating this process is hugely important because it is painful, but that doesn’t mean it is wrong. All of our entitlement is being burned away. Then […]

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Are my needs a punishment?

If you take my having needs as a punishment, you are probably punishing yourself for having needs. Because you think are protecting other people from feeling punished, because you are used to your needs being taken as an attack. A useful mantra is also the name of an old famous book: I’m okay, you’re okay.

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Devotion is not about getting

Devotion is not about getting needs met. It is not about getting. If I depend on someone to meet my needs, I am trying to strip them of their right to make individual choices. You are not in debt to me just because we are in a relationship. You are not being threatened with abandonment […]

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Why do polarity teachings exist?

Why do polarity teachings exist (as they are typically shared)? Because people are experiencing lack and want to experience abundance. Why are they fearing lack? Because they have been programmed to do so. They have triggers around lack, and so abundance appears to be the answer to “fix” it. And so men are trained to […]

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The skill of not being an abuser

::The skill of not being an abuser:: From the narcissistic age of development, we retain some degree of narcissism in ourselves. This is difficult to dissolve. Because of this, we maintain some degree of abusive tendency through which we are mean and incomplete in our ability to honor the experience and sovereignty of other people. […]

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A woman’s ability to say, imply, and to act on her “NO!” is her greatest resource. Minimal explanation needed. Explaining herself will often diffuse her No and invite questioning. For many women, saying No is also their greatest FEAR. The man is afraid of how he feels hearing No, and so she is also afraid […]

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The safety of her heart

The safety of her heart, treasured from the start, opens a portal, a chasm, through which reality comes apart. No more “he said, she said”. It’s not about events. Focus comes off of behavior, and moves toward what’s heaven sent. An abundance of kiss, rays of coherence. It’s not just that she longs for love, […]

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