Invoking Conscience

Invoking Conscience
Conscience is one of the most powerful faculties to leverage in the consciousness evolution process.
This is our innate knowing – which can be perceived as a healthy sense of guilt or healthy boundaries on what we are willing to do and say.
Staying in the middle way is like bumper bowling, but if we don’t know what the bumpers are and how to check with them, they can become easily ignored and overpowered.
Conscience is a natural bumper to keep us on track.
However, if we try to tap into it from the air channel it’s going to give us incorrect information. It is a physical feature of the human being and so therefore is of the earth channel.
Reverse inquiry works for intentionally lying to ourselves and therefore irritating our conscience. Because a part of us always knows when we are lying, though that functionality may be very buried if one has become very accustomed to living dishonestly.
Making our conscience conscious is an incredible superpower because then we can check in with various beliefs and holding patterns against it as a source of truth, so long as we are not using our habitual minds for interpretation – it is literally a physical locating tool in the body.
For example, if I say “I am in no way qualified to achieve the goals I want to achieve” – I can listen in my body and sense the “I” which disagrees with this statement. This can guide me toward a new dimension of my being.
Or I can say “I can be my full creative self in front of my family” and my conscience will show me exactly where the programming in my body lives which will argue with this idea.
However, if I say “The sky is blue” – do I have anything arguing inside of me? If I do, I have an overactive conscience – (a very common symptom of anger repression). This makes for a real need to closely monitor any interpretation/meaning-making tendencies associated with this practice.
If I don’t have anything arguing with “The sky is blue” then my earth channel is basically intact rather than being hijacked by the mental air channel.
While chronic guilt is an enormous source of toxicity, this access to healthy guilt is something is amazingly a feature that is universally available regardless of what stage they are at in their consciousness development, making it a universally accessible tool for The Work.

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