Magic is a Process

Magic is a Process


The human nervous system is a living, breathing organism. It is not an event, It is a continual process.

Even when you are not aware of it. Whether you are doing nothing, eating, or sleeping, there is a process underway.

The needs and state and other information bits are all communicated to you through sensation.

This constant process is also directly reflected in your connection to your magic.

There is no magic without a connection to sensation.

There is no mind strong enough to simply will things into being from thought alone.

Of course, your mind plays a role in what is created, but your connection to sensation – through your mid-brain (also called the horse brain) is your pathway to giving credence and weight to your thoughts. Empty, disconnected thoughts are (far less than) a dime a dozen. The thoughts that really get traction and take hold do so through their taking hold in the realm of feeling.

Sometimes that happens when we buy into the sensation of fear (which bypasses the mid-brain and goes straight to the brain stem), and it also happens when we tap into sensations of grace.

As we stay connected to sensation more and more frequently, continuing to use cunning strategy, ripple effects are created in the external world. This is our connection to the 3rd attention. This connection is a constant process and opens up the awareness possibilities toward utilizing the 4th and 5th attentions as well.

Becoming capable of enacting sovereign thoughts paired with unique movements (magical passes) inside of what may feel like a highly foreign sensation is precisely what creates a magic “act”. However, this can appear as a single action. From the outside, the magician has just performed a “trick”.

However, it’s not a trick. It is not the one time happening it appears to be.

It is founded upon a consistent connection which can then be “powered up” at any time. If it is utilized in an inauthentic way (too often or not enough), the connection can be compromised.

When acting from greed or neediness, one is very unlikely to be connected to sensation. One is then perceiving on a different plane from the truth of their nervous system.

If magic is seen as a process, it is revealed as an externalized inner experience rather than something to “want” or to be “proud of”. It is no different in this sense than an artist who is always thinking about art and actually picks up a paintbrush now and then and uses it to paint. They may not always be painting, but when they do it is not just something that is happening in that moment – but rather it is a cumulative effect of how their being is focused.


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