Portal of Creation Coming Sooon

People don’t like to be bothered when they are trying to sleep.
It doesn’t mean you should be quiet.
It’s not your problem.
Keep expressing yourself.

Just be careful that your self-expression is not also keeping you asleep!

How would you know?
You probably wouldn’t, but there are clues you can watch out for.
Are you sharing your needs honestly, or beating around the bush?
Are you attached to your needs being met in a certain way, entitled, and making demands?
Are you willing to change, or do you want everyone else to change?
Are you angry based on real evidence or on assumptions?

The mind is a trickster. The mind is not your friend.
It takes massive discipline to track your own distortions.
If you are doing it for applause – for love, or for safety – that’s a distortion too.

The mind must be mastered.
If your perceptions are based on compulsive thoughts, they are simply not trustworthy.

If your mind is wrong, it doesn’t mean YOU are wrong.
If your mind is crazy, it doesn’t mean YOU are crazy.
If your mind is drunk, it doesn’t mean sobriety should be idolized.

The middle way means to stay skeptical but also don’t put yourself down.
Truth is on a razor’s edge. A little too much in either direction and you can easily be pulled into a manipulative program.
Real, deep training is required or it’s never going to change.

Change requires something of you. You’re going to have to sacrifice something dear to you. That’s just how it goes.

If you don’t believe the sacrifice is worth it, you’ll have to suffer until you change your mind. If you refuse the call to the next stage of your hero’s journey, it is still inevitable no matter how long the delay.

Building the Will means making decisions you could never make before.

You’ll have to say No to things you had previously allowed.
You’ll have to say Yes to things you had previously run away from.

What an enormous gift to yourself!

Coming soon: The Portal of Creation.



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