Let’s not equate life-changing to making our work difficult on purpose.
Edgy doesn’t mean difficult.
Difficult means complex and labor intensive.
Edgy means foreign and possibly shame inducing. Life comes up with plenty of edgy material for us to embrace.
Yes, we need to encounter obstacles and trials but we do not need to create them.
If we are creating (from our genius) extreme experiences, we might as well make it as easy as possible to accomplish.
Take great care of ourselves. Get enough sleep. Only include people we want to be around. Give ourselves the unfair advantage.
This doesn’t mean not to set our sights high. But the only way high standards are going to be actually doable is if we do what needs to be done in a sustainable way.
Good friends, good food, interesting topics, plenty of exercise, plenty of support (recruit experts who can do what you can’t do).
Make it easy on yourself and you’ll get further quicker. Make it hard on yourself and you’ll be bragging from a hospital bed.