True Art
I’m going to give you my opinion about what the difference is between True Art and false art.
I know not everybody is going to agree with me, because who am I to decide what art is?
But I do have an opinion, and you’re free to ignore it. I’m going to share it now.
True Art is challenging and for the human to make because it comes from a heightened state of awareness, or potentially even from a totally clean state of awareness, of pure consciousness.
It comes from outside of the ego, or at least partially outside of the ego from which the human typically operates.
If the process of creating art satisfies the ego, I don’t believe it’s True Art.
If the process of creating art intimidates the ego or causes the ego to question whether it’s even safe to share this, that’s a good indicator that it’s True Art.
If it’s pushing the edges of what is socially legal or physically possible or spiritually correct, then it’s approaching the realm of True Art.
If art is designed primarily to help get its creator noticed, to be seen, to feel important, to become acknowledged, to gain fans, to gain notoriety…I don’t believe this is True Art.
If Art is designed to validate an identity, or cement a belief system, or prove one’s worth, or win an argument, I don’t believe this is True Art.
True Art is a sacred process between the artist and themselves, and of course, they are aware that it will also likely have some kind of impact on the audience, but it’s impossible to predict what the impact can be, and becoming overly focused on what kind of impact they want to have on the audience causes the Intent to lose the quality of being True Art.
Everybody has the ability to make True Art, but not everybody is willing to take the risk to do so.
True Art isn’t necessarily the most popular and isn’t necessarily the most skillful, and doesn’t necessarily make the biggest impact to the widest group of people.
But, for those specific people who are tuned into the format and the timing and the intent and the expression of a particular piece of True Art it reaches them in a way that that is of a totally original and perhaps alien quality.
Even if they don’t immediately notice it, and even if the impact is not obvious at first, it will linger, and it might take years to recognize that something had been transmitted at that moment of exposure.
It’s not about beauty, but it can be.
It’s not about love, but it can be.
It’s not about skill, but it can be.
It’s about the transmission of True Intent, which always operates from outside of the human personality.