Truth is inconvenient

Truth is inconvenient when we have created a persona and a business and maybe even a relationship and a family around a lie.
Then, anyone who mentions the lie is seen by the persona as an enemy, even if it’s actually helpful.
This is how most of the world operates.
This is what makes the human’s addiction to safety and being seen a self-sabotage.
Most people are not looking for real work to do. Going deeper is idealized and yet is only generally chosen when life forces it upon us.
To be available, truly available, is a feat of humanity. It’s so easy to know what we know. It’s much more challenging to be open to what we don’t know.
That’s usually the best place to start. This requires a great internal fortitude which is simply too beneficial to be popular, currently.
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Joshua Edjida
Lead Storyweaver
Joshua Edjida is a multidimensional artist, experience designer, author, public speaker/comedian, and transformational leadership facilitator. Originally from California, he currently lives in Colorado, and also enjoys traveling in Thailand, Bali, or in Europe.

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