Vanity Masculinity
99%+ of all masculinity we see is not genuine masculine, but vanity masculinity.
People say “A man should provide”, “A man should be solid and tough”, and “A man should have his woman/kids under control”.
And so men literally perform, just an an actor performs, to appear tough, to appear certain, and to appear like he has everything under control. And maybe he does. But that doesn’t mean the motive isn’t from a place of vanity.
If we want to APPEAR strong, if we want to have an IMAGE of “Don’t mess with me”, if we want to radiate an aura of “I’ve got my sh*t together!” – this is coming from a place of vanity.
And guess what? Vanity is a feminine aspect of the man’s shadow. Wanting to appear masculine, is feminine. Sorry guys.
“Toxic masculinity” is distorted femininity in disguise.
Do you want to come across as if you are an indestructible brick wall?
That’s a distorted feminine trait because you want to be seen a certain way.
Wanting to scare someone away?
That’s a distorted feminine trait because you want to appear scary.
Want to impress others with your cool sports car?
That’s a distorted feminine trait, needing to manipulate perceptions.
To be clear, this is not genuine. embodied, sacred femininity – this is totally different. This is the underdeveloped feminine of a male child, also known as immaturity. I am referring to it as feminine in order to make it easier for men to see it but it is not the TRUE feminine.
The cat’s out of the bag!
We might even want to be seen in the idea that you have no interest in being seen. Most men on the planet would deny the point of this message – everybody else is doing this, but not you of course.
It’s very easy to be in denial of the subconscious mind.
Genuine masculinity has no focus on how it appears, other than where it is genuinely useful for marketing purposes, and even then it is very easy to get lost in the shadows of image fixation.
Coming clean, coming back to consciousness, is not about demonstrating how great your boundaries are. It’s not showing off your big muscles.
Consciousness is a force, but is subtle in that force.
Vanity can be subtle too, unless you learn how to smell it.
We can’t smell it if we ourselves are bathing it it every day.
We have not learned how to be True Men specifically because of this issue.