Weak men prefer weak women.
They say things like “I’m not satisfied with her history”.
“I want a woman who is soft and feminine.”
Weak men prefer women with no fight in them,
who are soft and cuddly all the time.
And they’ll self-identify as “masculine men” when in the same breath they are “repulsed” by “masculine women”.
Energy is just energy.
Of course it doesn’t “resonate” with you, you’re terrified of it!
Of course “feminine” women are more attractive, it doesn’t (appear to) require any effort from you.
The human man is very, very lazy.
Discipline must be built.
Why must women be objectified and labeled?
Because weak men are more interested in self-gratification than love and devotion.
Men are making it their business to judge and evaluate women’s energy for one reason only: FEAR.
Our genuine attraction does not operate on LOGIC – it operates on the sharing of essence.
The most stereotypically beautiful woman in the world may cause zero genuine interest in a man, beyond a base lust.
He would not be devoted to her, he would just be using her for his own image-building.
To be genuinely devoted is something else entirely.
It is NOT because she is pretty, though she may well be.
It is NOT because she is nice, though she may well be.
If a man takes pleasure in her fury and self-expression, he’s on the right track.
If a man appreciates her standing up for herself and growing at every opportunity, he’s on the right track.
He actually LOVES and CARES about her because that’s just his honest response to her being.
Caring about her takes no effort, though it can take effort to set aside our UNCARING impulses when our pride and entitlement get in the way.
This devotion and TRUST is the KEY to unlocking her brilliance in a new way.
If she doesn’t feel TRUSTED and genuinely cared for, she will be required to plant seeds of doubt in order to keep an escape hatch open in the relationship. Her own devotion is unlocked when the man models it for her.
It would be UNSAFE and UNWISE for her to make this move first.
And yet men continuously DEMAND it because WE are in our distorted feminine.
Being WILLing to be masculine means being WILLing to be humble to her being.
Only then do we have any True Authority as the voice of Love.