There is a big difference (in tone) between gaslighting ourselves versus questioning false assumptions.
A blind spot is a multi-dimensional holding pattern which lacks Seeing, Intent, Will, breath, and awareness.
It can be challenged in its assumptions and its network of reinforced repression beliefs.
The beliefs are conditioned so thoroughly that oftentimes to state them aloud they could easily appear non-existent and irrelevant. It takes clever techniques to make the unconscious conscious.
This throws off what most people consider their “intuition” which is actually just fear and denial speaking and so they take action and make sabotaging choices consistently, totally convinced of their integrity even (especially) if directly challenged to their face.
The amount of pain and suffering someone must usually be experiencing for them to actually listen to the signs is gargantuan.
This is the main reason is takes so many years to do this work, the unwillingness to listen and the wasting of most of the lifetime.
To be effective, one must prioritize this work above all else. Above pride, finances, relationships, and even above their idea of divinity (because it’s likely distorted).
If something is prioritized higher, that is the sticking point. De-throning the normalized disempowering priorities of the human is a massively courageous project and generally takes lifetimes to be truly ready. These words will be meaningless and invisible until then.