The worship of rationality

The human being is capable of incredible feats, which by most modern standards is considered impossible.

There is a reason for the 98% “junk” DNA in the human genome. The human being is a deeply capable and powerful creature with natural abilities far removed from mainstream awareness.

I personally discovered some of the latent abilities in this untapped potential years ago and have been fascinated ever since. I discovered the ability to move the air and create wind simply by directing my intent to do so – this is called aerokinesis. There are an abundance of video demonstrations of this and similar abilities such as telekenisis, hydrokenesis, and levitation available freely online.

How are these latent abilities accessed? Through intent. However, people have lost access to true intent and relying instead upon rationalization.

The forebrain, the neocortex, is typically used as the center of thinking. It is highly capable in this regard. It is fairly adept in rational abilities.

However, because of its seductive allure, rationality is being pedastalized and [somewhat covertly] religiously worshipped.

This worship of rationality is exactly what has disabled our fantastical abilities. Some people have (accidentally or intentionally) stumbled upon methods for reversing the reversal, which we will get further into shortly.

Modern science excels in producing high-tech gadgets and processes through the use of this rational mind. However, this has a very serious cap on it, hence the necessary advent of AI to further the rational mind, because it uses an enormous amount of energy and is wholly unsustainable as is currently being employed.

Humans have been deeply tricked into abiding in this construct, and this is where our shadows creep forth. The body has been rejected in favor of the rational mind.

The rational mind “seems” rational to the untrained eye, yet is masked by ideas (shadows) of “fairness” and other types of black and white thinking, when in fact our brains are operating and functioning in a backward way.

The neocortex containing the rational mind is meant to be our center of movement – not just for moving thoughts around. Our hind brain, which now governs our instincts, is meant to be our thinking brain.

The left hemisphere of the brain now contains our identity and our false self which is where/how we are “plugged into the matrix”. The right hemisphere of the brain is where our true power lies, and contains our innate access to our true divine identity, a much more expansive [and highly irrational] cosmic self.

With our brains operating backward on both axes (both vertically and horizontally), of course we are suffering tremendously (and not sure what to do about it) because the rational mind which is trying to figure out how to “solve” the issue is it self the cause of the issue. This way of perceiving is always is a dead end.

Freedom is the fluidity of perception. One must learn to reverse the approach to perception. In doing so, we penetrate the insane programming that has trapped us in this interlocked grid of repression and reversal.

Buried emotions are caused by this reversal. The emotions originally arose as movement imperatives from the forebrain, but our society has condemned such “spontaneous” behavior forcing us to “think before you act” (now making it true, manifesting a reality in which we are unable to trust ourselves).

This has quite literally caused us to idolize deliberation and “figuring things out”, over true mentation which is possible only by the hind-brain. Since we don’t know how to allow this (until we dissolve the programming), the hind-brain now governs our dreams and accomplishes its movements there instead. Since movements have been disallowed via the physical body.

When buried emotions are dug up from the body and processed, and the societal programs that buried them there are made conscious and dissolved, the centers of movement and mentation are naturally reversed back to their optimal arrangement. This brings the dreaming abilities into the physical world, and this restores our natural relationship with emotions. These fantastical abilities I mentioned are dreaming abilities brought into the physical dream.

Emotions are healthy and natural when they are not intercepted by programs that cause them to be repressed and buried. When buried emotions come out as shadows, these emotions are still valid because they are “real” to the body, but because they are highly delayed in their release (by decades), their circumstantial relevancy to the outer world may be long gone.

Though, in many cases, we have insisted upon manifesting our childhood circumstances in the physical world in order to once and for all create the movements of the hind-brain we have been avoiding. So, we may be creating ways in which these old emotions can remain relevant to catalyze our transformation should we choose to take the opportunity.

As our backlog of repression is processed, true emotions can then be accessed. These true emotions are intentionally chosen based on their relevancy to the present moment situation.

Old, buried emotions were chosen long ago and now must be processed while new, relevant emotions can be chosen in real time.

Experiencing both of these types of emotions are relevant to our now experience and BOTH types are valid. Yet we must learn to differentiate which is which in order to anchor ourselves into what is happening now (what we WANT to happen, the creative orientation) versus what is a backlogged process we are in (a focus on what we DON’T want to happen, the reactive orientation).

Soon I’ll say more about The Portal of Creation as a pathway for tracking and monitoring the 12 stages of this process in granular detail.

Joshua Edjida

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Joshua Edjida
Lead Storyweaver
Joshua Edjida is a multidimensional artist, experience designer, author, public speaker/comedian, and transformational leadership facilitator. Originally from California, he currently lives in Colorado, and also enjoys traveling in Thailand, Bali, or in Europe.

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