The Two Sides of the Dreaming Membrane
There are two sides to reality.
For a human being, one side exists on the worldly side of the dreaming membrane – this is the perspective of the human. The other side exists on the lucid side of the dreaming membrane – this is the perspective of consciousness, also called the True Self.
On the human side of the dreaming membrane, we have experiences and spirituality, hoping for comfort and living in desperation for survival. But on the consciousness side of the dreaming membrane, we are the force of creativity itself. We are the force of beauty itself. We are the knowing of knowing itself.
On the human side, we must learn how to be humble to the mystery of consciousness. We must be willing to submit our survival fixation. On the consciousness side of the dreaming membrane, we are the provision that needs providing. We are that which meets all needs.
On the human side of the dreaming membrane, we are praying and hoping, guilting what we think is God into giving us what we want because we think we don’t actually deserve it. On the consciousness side of the dreaming membrane, there is no deserving. The human fixation is like a TV show that we have bought into on a cellular level and pretend is real. Having the ability to see and differentiate from this TV show rescues our fluidity of perception.
On the human side of the dreaming membrane, fluidity of perception is a fantasy, and spirituality is the best we can come up with. On the consciousness side of the dreaming membrane, the simplicity of being with the force of intent requires no thought at all, and reality creates itself in the most benevolent and efficient way.
On the human side of the dreaming membrane, our arrogance causes us to believe that we need to figure out reality. This prevents a connection to the intent and the sensation and the energy which our planet is very much available for. Our arrogance as humans has disconnected us from and lost faith in this innate provision. And so we scramble for resources, living in a perpetual state of desperation, like it’s Black Friday every day, because we are not actually available to getting what we want. We don’t fully allow ourselves to deeply connect with what we want because of the vulnerability in which we think we won’t actually get it.
On the consciousness side of the dreaming membrane, our intelligence and our desires don’t come from anything rational. They are simply of a felt sense, which we recognize as eternally valid. There’s absolutely no reason to question this sense or to make any meanings about it or to analyze it whatsoever because it is being provided to us by all that is. Honoring our blindness to this is being in alignment with the source of creation.
On the human side of the dreaming membrane, this all sounds like a ridiculous spiritual philosophy with no practical application.
But on the consciousness side of the dreaming membrane, the human belief system is extremely impractical and extremely inefficient – downright bogus and wishful thinking.
And yet it keeps on trying the same things over and over, even though they rarely work, if at all.
Meanwhile, on the consciousness side of the dreaming membrane, the efficiency is never less than 100%.