It is a self-sabotaging shadow that says “I should be ashamed of my shadows”.
If I deny their existence and try to sculpt my image to be perfect, I am going against what is holy and genuine inside of me.
As long as I am focused on how OTHER people should change, I am beholden to my shadows.
As long as I am trying to PROVE MYSELF, I am beholden to my shadows.
If I am arguing with life, if I am arguing with the reflections I am being given, I am somehow trying to earn my place on this planet and I am beholden to and enslaved by my shadows.
Life is not fair. At the same time, there is a natural harmony which reflects our level of embodiment back to us.
But not because we demand it or think “it’s right”.
Life doesn’t unfold to try to be “right” according to our simple minds.
Our shadows are not “wrong”, we’re at where we’re at. The more we try to “act right” the more our shadows will revolt against it. Genuine alchemy requires surgical precision which is not the same thing as “just pushing through”.
We have to balance our defiance with our nurturing – too much of either will easily be rationalized by a shadow.
Life works on a much larger scale and its rationale is more elemental in nature, it is not something we can dictate in order to feel satisfied.
By giving up on being satisfied in the ways we think are “right”, we can make space inside of ourselves to grow beyond our sticky paradigms and become the force of beauty that needs no explanation.
In the attached image, “me” is the false self. “A light that never runs out” is consciousness or the True Self. The Universe is the Cosmic Womb from which everything is birthed.
Most spirituality has this backward and thinks “me” is going to manifest something from “the universe”.
Meanwhile, because we are actually “a light that never runs out” there is an opportunity for self-accountability that is not being taken.
If we are praying to “a light that never runs out”, that is a false God because we have identified as human. We are not human.
If we are identified in a false way which is actually the human pretending it is “a light that never runs out”, now we’re really going to get ourselves into trouble.
Mentally thinking “This is all a dream” is going to get ourselves into even more trouble. It takes WORK to uncover consciousness, it’s not just deciding “I AM” and that’s it.
“A light that never runs out” – consciousness – is a force of beauty. It cannot be faked. It’s not a spiritual mask where we are simply changing all of our words into spiritual-sounding replacement words. It is not a “lifestyle”.
It is not being “dominant” or “submissive”.
There are no RULES consciousness lives by.
The human is the one who needs to give up and re-identification with reality can then happen.