Cult around “polarity teachings”

There is a massive online cult around “polarity teachings”.
The reason men (and some women) are crazy about insisting that women should submit is so that the man will feel safe.
That way, he gets to feel powerful without having to grow.
“If you want a man to melt you like butter, you have to become butter”.
Translation: “If you do what I say, so I feel safe, then we can be in this distorted illusion together and you’ll be able to experience pleasure without actually being deeply cared about – it’s a lose/lose but at least you’ll feel good in the delusion.”
Humanity has these strategies for wanting to feel good while getting to be lazy at the same time. That’s what M&Ms are for, that’s what theme parks are for, that’s what scandals are about.
There are ALWAYS consequences for taking shortcuts. This cannot be escaped. If you don’t do the work now, either you’ll be forced to do it later or you’ll get sick from avoiding it.
Is temporary pleasure worth the price of your life?
For some people, maybe.
Getting real on this issue is NEVER convenient.
Of course, you’re busy. Of course, it’s annoying.
Of course, there are more attractive paths.
If it doesn’t lead to total liberation, it is settling.
Don’t be fooled, pleasure is not the same as freedom.
That doesn’t mean I endorse suffering.
There is a middle way where you can have what you want, you can be a genuine adult, you can enjoy your life, and you can do all this without being co-dependent (which popular polarity teachings definitely ARE).
These are mind-traps. You are being baited.
Watch carefully what type of content you are subscribing to.
If someone does not adhere to a proper lineage or teachings, very likely their teachings are distorted.
Solutions to feel better are band-aid solutions.
Go deeper and the quality of being is miraculous.
Your needs and preferences will change.
And life is much simpler than you thought it could be.
From comments:
“Polarity teachings” are in quotes because of the distortions. Of course, humans become polarized – but if it is driven by intention rather than intent it is false. The issue is not polarity, it is how it is presented and NEEDED by the male in particular. Because this is where the male entitlement NEEDS mommy to behave. When it happens organically, it is the difference between sanity and insanity. The nuance makes all the difference and that’s my point.
Feigning respect for autonomy is the most prevalent scam which is in virtually every polarity teaching I have seen.
It is all run by emotional repression unconsciously.
The ideals are actually noble. In execution, it’s extremely slimy. That’s where I’m saying proper linage of teachings makes all the difference. Male entitlement is a very serious issue and that’s where all these teachings originate. If that is cleared, these polarized relationships happen organically, but not because we want them to.
Female entitlement cannot exist in the presence of embodied consciousness. Either she will soften or leave of her own accord. No effort whatsoever toward her softening needs to be made by the male.
Of course, the feminine needs to be capable of receiving.
This is a very nuanced issue.
She also needs to be capable of standing up for herself.
Surrendering to men as a lifestyle is going to get her in serious trouble and literally disables the man from growing if he is not qualified to surrender to.
When it is coming from mental ideals, it is absolutely dangerous.
When it is from wanting a daddy or mommy, it leaves out very important aspects of spiritual development.
The choice becomes to be stunted in exchange for feeling temporary peace.
The inner child wants peace. Being ruled by the inner child causes people to become stunted.
“The safe container” is in quotes. It is a fictional construct designed for the fictional inner child. Life is not a safe container. Catering to the inner child to pretend it is such causes one to be incapable of operating without one. Needing to feel safe based on external circumstances is the essence of co-dependency.
A proper teaching outputs awakened mastery. Embodied enlightenment. Nothing more, nothing less.
If we are learning from someone who is not enlightened, they have no way to transmit the ultimate reality, their consciousness is not aware of itself, and therefore they are ultimately playing out parent/child dynamics.
Just as you shared about in your CEO example, a typical CEO is in power so he can please a controlling and judging mommy.
The friend you described: “She met a guy who takes care of everything for her, and she happily gratefully… Turned into butter.”
What if he gets injured or dies? She has not invested her time and energy into building her consciousness, her genuine masculine aspect, and so then all she can do is find another guy to be her daddy.
Her mensa intelligence is going to burn her out if it’s not embodied availability to consciousness.
If both genders do not invest the time to become sovereign and whole within themselves, if a relationship “fills that space”, it is nothing more than a delay on the inevitable. It is procrastinating developing by having what we “like” instead of what we genuinely “need”.

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