(Today’s serving of Word Salad)
Learning how to properly focus one’s attention creates a cohesion and connection between the human machine and one’s True Self. This has the effect of building the True Will of the essence.
This is the point of all spiritual maps and practices.
The point is not healing, and it’s not enlightenment.
These are certainly useful, and that is because they support the building of the True Will.
Let’s break this down further.
From the duality perspective of the human, healing is uniting opposites.
In the awakened state of the human machine, there are no opposites and there is no control (hence why the machine wants to stay asleep, to perceive as if it is in control).
Collapsing opposing polarities into one singular point is something that the mind cannot achieve. This is why these teachings can often sound so nonsensical, literally sounding like gobblygook word salad. As straightforward as this writing is intended to be, most people on Earth can not get past the first sentence because the trigger would be interpreted as dangerous and reading could not commence. The mind literally garbles the text and makes it look like something else entirely.
The mechanics of overcoming the fixations of the mind are not going to make sense to the mind. It is a felt experience that can only be experienced at the level of essence.
So many paradoxes all point to the same thing:
-Peace will not come if we are looking for peace
-We need to express our anger in order to not be angry anymore
-Craving is a fixation but your desire is holy
-The human stories are not real but the human also needs to be honored: it’s experience is real
-You must learn to individuate, and there is only one consciousness
These paradoxes can easily be interpreted [by a mind grasping for control] as if they are a strategy for avoiding grounded reality. In fact, they are pointing to the most grounded reality which is something fundamentally impossible to describe with accuracy because it does not exist within the realm of language (And obviously, when these sentiments are borrowed by someone and worn as a spiritual costume, it does not carry the same weight).
The point of this work is not to be confused, but the mind will inevitably need to become okay with being confused.
Because the mind does not actually NEED to know.
True Knowledge does not exist in the mind.
As brilliant as the mind may be, it is the BODY intelligence which has the ability to deeply sense – in the mind, this ability is close to nihil.
By allowing the essence to run the show, the mind becomes more and more comfortable not knowing – this is also called submission to G-d. This makes space for spontaneous knowings from the essence to pour forth, and as this occurs the mind can be blessed with knowing specifically because of not trying to know.
The confusion of the mind is only a problem TO the mind, and when we engage in practices that unite opposite polarities of the mind the human awakens (even if temporarily) and in this state is then capable of supporting the True Will of the essence.
It is ironic that enlightenment is often interpreted as the “goal” of the work, when in fact it is simply the state that makes the work possible. This is why it is said that enlightenment is only the beginning of the journey. This simply means stabilizing in a capable state.
By growing our capacity for intensity, we are able to maintain the waking state for longer periods without “checking out” and falling into sleep patterns again. In order to do this, one has to WANT to be awake. It takes effort and is deeply irritating to the sleeping state. One has to KNOW when they are in the sleeping state in order to recognize that the awakened state is different. Believing we are awake is the biggest scam out there.
An intense experience such as listening to a loud gong, or healthy lovemaking, or public speaking, grows one’s capacity to maintain presence by staying relaxed during an experience of intensity. And so we can learn to trust reality at a deeper level.
Positive experiences of intensity are gradually replacing negative associations with intensity. Over time, this allows us to recognize the irritant of awakening is a sign to submit to reality (which includes, with the right practices, our buried emotions) instead of trying to control it.
This works itself through in a process, a natural cycle.
I call this natural capacity growing cycle the Portal of Creation, working through the nervous system over a 12 month period and so I’ve categorized it into 12 stages. More on this soon.
[Photo features Sebastian Schimpf and my sweet boy Pax]
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Joshua Edjida
Lead Storyweaver
Joshua Edjida is a multidimensional artist, experience designer, author, public speaker/comedian, and transformational leadership facilitator. Originally from California, he currently lives in Colorado, and also enjoys traveling in Thailand, Bali, or in Europe.

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