But which “me” do they “get”? The shadow self. Hunger seeks hunger. Trauma seeks trauma. Grasping seeks grasping.
And so when we want to find out who “resonates” with our journey, we are putting out the call to see who else feels like they are on the same hook we are on.
If we are seeking resonance we are avoiding what we fear. If we have teachers who we do not fear in some way, we probably have found them through the hooks of trauma – not through expanding from the true Will.
It’s very easy to keep playing the same games we’ve always played. To play it safe.
True Spiritual awakening and coming into our power is anything but safe to our belief systems – everything must get destroyed. As we know ourselves, we must be willing to die. To love.
The popular glossy, fluffy, “love and light” attitude is a persona. It is not a more advanced way of living, it is a mask. A delusion. For those who cannot yet tell the difference, they are in for a harsh realization.
This unholy worldview has penetrated widely due to its ease of adoption. And of course its proponents are explaining ad nauseum how everything should be easeful and just flow.
This is not easy work. The task here is energetically moving mountains.
You don’t need to do it, but please don’t confuse the people who are up for doing the real work.