It was a glorious day when I discovered how to turn water into wine

It was a glorious day when I discovered how to turn water into wine.
The process was not quite so complicated as I had imagined.
Some might believe it requires an externalization of the kundalini energy,
a process typically unimaginable to the human mind.
But there is also an easier way.
You can take the water next door, and ask your neighbor if they would perhaps be willing to give you some wine in exchange.
This may seem still challenging, but for most people, their chances of success are much higher in this process than in the other.
One process is not better than the other.
Sure, it requires more spiritual power to facilitate an alchemical change of one substance to another, but it requires a very different sort of adaptability to ask your neighbor for a favor.
Perhaps, people wielding and alchemizing with kundalini energy the world over are simply avoiding having relationships with their neighbors.
Perhaps, a great number of magical feats are driven by fear.
Perhaps, there is true magic contained within the simplest gestures which supposedly “anybody” could do.
But who takes advantage of the resources available?
Who really appreciates their community, and the low hanging fruit surrounding them?
Is it naturally superior to take the hard route, when we have what we need just a stone’s throw away?
What is the hidden cost of supernatural abilities?
If we all walked on water, would we not cause the boating industry to disintegrate?
If we all utilized our natural psychic abilities, would our telephone numbers become quickly obsolete?
On the surface, or perhaps through the achievement-based lens, there is only one direction of evolution. But when looking more softly, and more completely, there is no way to avoid the highest truth we have access to.
There is no way to get this wrong.
The mother who stays present with her child for a full 2 hours, that is a miracle
The construction worker who gets up at 4 am every day and comes home in a good mood, that is a miracle.
The scientist who designs the next handheld supercomputer, making it possible to translate the menu at a French bakery – that is a miracle.
The true miracle is when we do not discount what seems like lesser miracles, in order to build up to wherever we are going.

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