Why do polarity teachings exist?

Why do polarity teachings exist (as they are typically shared)? Because people are experiencing lack and want to experience abundance. Why are they fearing lack? Because they have been programmed to do so. They have triggers around lack, and so abundance appears to be the answer to “fix” it. And so men are trained to […]

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The skill of not being an abuser

::The skill of not being an abuser:: From the narcissistic age of development, we retain some degree of narcissism in ourselves. This is difficult to dissolve. Because of this, we maintain some degree of abusive tendency through which we are mean and incomplete in our ability to honor the experience and sovereignty of other people. […]

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A woman’s ability to say, imply, and to act on her “NO!” is her greatest resource. Minimal explanation needed. Explaining herself will often diffuse her No and invite questioning. For many women, saying No is also their greatest FEAR. The man is afraid of how he feels hearing No, and so she is also afraid […]

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The safety of her heart

The safety of her heart, treasured from the start, opens a portal, a chasm, through which reality comes apart. No more “he said, she said”. It’s not about events. Focus comes off of behavior, and moves toward what’s heaven sent. An abundance of kiss, rays of coherence. It’s not just that she longs for love, […]

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What seems obvious

What seems obvious is usually a false assumption. There is a big difference (in tone) between gaslighting ourselves versus questioning false assumptions. A blind spot is a multi-dimensional holding pattern which lacks Seeing, Intent, Will, breath, and awareness. It can be challenged in its assumptions and its network of reinforced repression beliefs. The beliefs are […]

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Truth is inconvenient

Truth is inconvenient when we have created a persona and a business and maybe even a relationship and a family around a lie. Then, anyone who mentions the lie is seen by the persona as an enemy, even if it’s actually helpful. This is how most of the world operates. This is what makes the […]

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If she doubts his devotion

If she doubts his devotion, she has to test it. That’s the only way they can both know it’s real. If he’s lying to himself, that lie has got to be revealed. Her doubt is a gift. She is using it to squeeze every last doubt from him until he chooses completely “yes I’m in”, […]

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