The key is, there are two different worlds. There is the world of women and children, and then there is the world of men.
Likely, this distinction will not be a welcomed one by everyone who reads it – so rest assured we will go more in-depth to differentiate why this is so important for a man’s growth process.
The world of men is found through masculine initiation by older men. Boys growing up are primarily cared for by women. They view the world through the lens of this type of care. Comforts, fun, entertainment, play. And this is all very beautiful.
Entering into the world of men, however, prepares the child’s consciousness for endurance. This gives them the ability to feel pain without taking it personally. Women have childbirth for this initiation. Men have to go through a process of birthing themselves and in turn, this makes them more available as a steady presence for the child birthing process (Push! Push! This is a very masculine activity, accomplished through a divine surrender to the process. The nature of life becomes more obvious this way)
Men’s deepest inner nature is dangerous and bloodthirsty. Shiva is the destroyer.
Boy consciousness has a tendency to interpret these qualities as violent, greedy, pushy, and self-centered. Therefore, these destroyer qualities get a bad rap and are deeply feared by uninitiated men who have not been able to allow the depths of their power to come through their bodies.
Normalizing running these energies brings a deep-seated awareness into a young man that his masculine freedom, choice-making, and willpower are holy. This is certainly not clear based on the distortions present in popular media and wounded role models.
To be in the world of Men, a man must be able to see women without a hint of jealousy in regards to the world of women and children. An initiated man adores being a man and thriving in that very masculine way that would never be innately biologically attractive to women.
Deeply embodied women of course also have the option to live “in the world of men”, but it is generally not their preference being a non-primary biological drive.
Wherever there is p*nis envy within a woman’s nervous system, she will view the world of men with a competitive distortion. A sense of unfairness, causing unnecessary suffering.
Similarly, an uninitiated man will crave and distort his understanding of the roles of women because it seems easier or safer. But it’s not so, for men, being dangerous is far safer than a docile enslavement to the perceived frailty of the feminine.
Most men do not understand the depth of feminine power which can actually quite easily overload them when a woman may not even flinch. This power is often invisible to men, and when it is interpreted through their distorted view of masculine achievement there is a deeply irrelevant story overlay which both disconnects them from themselves and their brothers at the same time.
Men’s connections with each other are absolutely vital to their well-being. Iron sharpens iron. This process is irreplaceable and by honoring it we are honoring the sacred nature of humanity.
Feel free to share if it feels resonant.
<3 Joshua