What I know is very difficult to describe, and so I do so from endless different angles.
This gives the minds of readers a chance to glimpse and resonate with aspects of their experience that normally go unarticulated. Most people, for their whole lives.
What I do know is that it has a very specific cycle. A pattern.
This cycle is like the cycle of the seasons.
As reliable as flowers blossoming.
As predictable as the sun rising.
No matter how we feel, there is a wave rolling through that will ebb yet again.
I have studied these patterns within myself and the hundreds of clients I have worked with to find the underlying currents of transformation.
I call this predictable cycle The Portal of Creation.
The individual body is the Portal and it goes through different archetypal stages and movements, and knowing these movements gives the mind access to the codified stage that the body is currently at in its process.
The Site and intro course are launching soon.
I’ll notify my groups and mailing list first.
It’s an exciting time!