Your powerlessness is not what it seems.
There is an ancient curse over all of humanity.
It is a powerful magic passed down to children through their socialization.
Created by an ancient sorcerer.
It got out of hand, and enslaved even him.
He was hurt and greedy.
And angry.
This happened to the human species.
It was designed to hide in plain sight.
And so you think something is wrong with you.
Nothing is wrong with you.
Your predator instinct has been totally demented.
You feel like prey because you’re being preyed upon.
Once it’s out of your system, everything will change.
Toltecs call these tentacles of enslavement the flyers.
They are Spiritial/Energetic AI.
You’re not lacking anything.
The issue is hiding in plain sight.
Deleting them from your system requires a Masterpiece of creative engagement.