I am not here to give you “reminders”.
I am here to give you information that shows you where I am getting my information from.
If you are dependent on someone for reminders, this is pointless.
I am not trying to create consumers here.
I am here to assist sovereign beings in coming fully online.
Not intellectually saying to yourself:
“I am sovereign, and so it is!”
Learning how to ACTUALLY unhook from the lies we’ve been eating up our whole lives as if it is was all real.
Those moments where we spiral into our shame stories, condemning ourselves over and over again. And again.
If it’s a “reminder” you’re looking for, you’re just going to come back for another and another and another.
These dopamine hits are pointless.
Please, get real training.
Real training is NOT just another addiction.
It is NOT just mental stimulation or memorization.
Your focus needs to be guided into becoming more skillful than it previously was.
I am not here to sell you on who should be your guru or who should be your coach or whatever.
All of these constructs are literally designed to take away your power and sovereignty.
I need YOU to step up and own your process in a way you have never done before.
You do not need to remain an eternal child.
You do not need to remain forever dependent.
Financially, energetically, mentally, emotionally, or physically.
You do not need to be endlessly confused about how to take care of yourself.
If you don’t take a new action, you’ll have the same old results.
If you don’t like my approach, I can recommend other approaches that work.
Most approaches out there are not effective.
An authentic strategy for change is not going to be pretty or feel good. It is not easy or yummy or a “turn on” when it triggers the @$!# out of you.
You are not going to like it.
If it “resonates”, it’s probably appealing to your ego.
I’m asking you to do something which is likely repulsive to you.
If you don’t have any money to invest, borrow some money and make it happen.
THIS is YOUR life.
Please do not take NO for an answer.
Soon I am releasing the Portal of Creation which will work as a framework to move toward properly taking the reigns – facilitating their own experience instead of being thrown around by life.
I am NOT asking you to follow me. I am giving you a reality check, hoping you will do something REAL for yourself. If you choose to use my approach, it will give you a lot more reality checks.
I am putting in a lot of effort to make it beautiful, useable, logical, approachable, well-organized, and accessible. And you’re STILL going to hate it. I’m just being honest with you.
If you choose to get real, it’s going to drive you up the wall with frustration. That irritation IS the awakening out of the habit.
Build your will – because something else is being built inside of you until you do.
I love you.
Image by my brilliant friend Sebastian (AKA Endless Loving)
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Joshua Edjida
Lead Storyweaver
Joshua Edjida is a multidimensional artist, experience designer, author, public speaker/comedian, and transformational leadership facilitator. Originally from California, he currently lives in Colorado, and also enjoys traveling in Thailand, Bali, or in Europe.

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