Cat Magic

Last night I was teaching Cat Magic to my cat. I’ve learned (and of course am always learning) how magic works for humans, and last night I learned how to communicate with my cat in a way no one had ever communicated with him before. The transmission comes through physical touch, responsiveness and pressure, telepathic […]

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My cat typed this

My cat typed this on the computer today all by himself: @;;6$%^YY^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^y 7h 7aqweahh

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An end to the seeking journey

There is an end to the seeking journey. That is the beginning of the real adventure. You are allowed to set your sights on finishing. You are allowed to have this phase of trying to figure it all out done and over with when the conditions are correct. When it happens, there is no doubt […]

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Taking credit for Truth

For a long time I confused my natural ability to teach for the concept that I wanted to identify as a spiritual teacher. This was a dead end because it is never “me” who had this ability. If I take credit for everything that coming out of my mouth, I am deluding myself from a […]

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If your motive for changing your life is because your life sucks, that might seem to work initially but in the long run, it is just about the least effective reason out there. In fact, if you need a reason to justify having a good life, you’re already trapped in the rational mind. This is […]


Creativity. Our Will. Our continuously unfolding desire.

What will prevent our relationships from becoming stale? Creativity. Our Will. Our continuously unfolding desire. What is our life purpose? Creativity. Our Will. Our continuously unfolding desire. What dissolves trauma? Creativity. Our Will. Our continuously unfolding desire. What is the missing ingredient from most conventional spiritual paths? Creativity. Our Will. Our continuously unfolding desire. What […]

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Stalking the Riddle

STALKING THE RIDDLE ——————————– The personality is extremely tricky and coming at it directly puts it “on guard” and it defends itself. Nothing has worked better in my own awakening experience than “being tricked”. It seems naughty, but if you do it with great integrity and intent, it unlocks the riddles of the heart. That […]

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