
Sentimentality is an enormous blockage on the path.

Clarity/Sobriety is an enormous blockage on the path.

Spirituality is an enormous blockage on the path.

Power is an enormous blockage on the path.

Obviously, these things are not obvious.

It takes immense Seeing and trials and failures for these to become obvious.

Most “spirituality” consists of sentimentality.

True Love is not sentimental (though it is kind).

True Love is fierce and will rip you to shreds.

Sentimentality is more often than not an unexpressed desire for comfort.

Nothing is inherently wrong with comfort (or sentimentality), but the NEED for comfort creates a NEED for sentimentality.

Any kind of DEPENDENCY is a blockage on building the Will.

Our clarity, AKA sobriety about what we believe to be unmistakably true gets us fixated on a reality that is not entirely true.

If we have a partial truth and cling to that, this is where CLARITY and SOBRIETY have trapped us. People will comment on my writings agreeing, not realizing they are taking only what is convenient from what I am saying. Leaving out the parts that “don’t resonate”.

When growing up, whenever we were exposed to people who seemed to be the most powerful and wise, they appeared to be SURE of themselves. And so we try to mimic this. It seems like if I have CLARITY and am SURE of myself then I’ll be safe and powerful.

We can’t have genuine humility and clarity at the same time.

They are counterweights.

The NEED to be sure of ourselves is coming from fear.

The mystery of our being, and our blindness to our genius is exactly the ONLY thing we can be sure of.

CLARITY kills genius.

An excess of SOBRIETY causes (and is caused by) grasping for control.

Some degree sobriety and some clarity is of course useful in order to operate in a day to day existence (we need to be clear about where the grocery store is located).

However, when it is a CLOSED system and no more inputs are allowed, growth has stopped.

Are we CLEAR on that we need to lick our wounds sentimentally?

How could we then become capable of addressing energy leaks we refuse to acknowledge?

Such energy leaks cause a misuse of power.

Our system has access – now – to a specific amount of power.

The more clarity we have, the more we are misusing that power.

Power creates luck. Either “good” luck or “bad” luck.

“Bad” luck is just as much an expression of power as “good” luck.

Our hardened rules about existence (our belief systems) cause us to use power against ourselves.

And then power is manifesting blockages keeping us from what we want (because we don’t believe we can have what we want).

Of course, power can be properly aligned with (made useful to our desires), but it is a blockage until that point.

Attempting to gain personal power without addressing our clarity is self-sabotage.

Spirituality seduces us into believing that if we become clear enough (in our thinking) we will get everything we want, but this is actually counterproductive and it causes people to spin their wheels or to totally abandon a path of self-realization altogether.

Trying to use a sick mind to find a sick solution to a sick problem is going to get a sick result. The whole thing must be abandoned.

The feminine must be aligned with, it was Her which was abandoned in the first place. This is unavoidable. Steps cannot be skipped. The program wants to find a shortcut to True Love.

“Good” luck!

Without proper training (including sufficient education), extreme discernment, and dropping of controlling tendencies – the path MUST be a dead end.

This is exactly what drives people toward religion when nothing else has worked – they must join the masses to finally find the comfort they crave in order to prove to themselves that the path was impossible all along.

There is a different way.


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