There is something which says no to love.
There is something which says I can’t.
This is something which lies and lies and lies internally.
It is critical that we ensure there is no way to avoid seeing this, even if it is inconvenient news.
It is too much, it is overwhelming etc. These are all rationale against moving forward.
It feels too hard, I am too frustrated…the identity plays tricks all day long just to avoid change.
I don’t feel seen, I don’t feel heard, and I need someone to give me permission before I am willing to move forward.
There are infinite reasons we can pull out of thin air. But why?
Is this not the day it all turns around?
Is this not the day we look in the mirror and make that simple commitment we’ve been waiting for?
It’s not a secret.
We resist the truth.
It was never the blockage we made it out to be.
It doesn’t get to spend a single more day intimidating us out of our free will.