We are all going through massive upgrades and learning to feel wealthy, on the inside.

And yet there is often still a part of us that feels absolutely impoverished.

There is a part of us that compares ourselves to others, making determinations like…oh that person is smarter, more academic. Or that person is the rich type. Or that person is elite and always has been.

These thoughts are shallow avoidance of the real issue, which is an “I” issue.

If others are apparently so privileged, this is an opportunity to have a conversation about woeful me.

“I” am not A, B, or C.

“I” am inferior in every way and it’s got me pissed off.

“I” am broken beyond repair and someone needs to pay the price.

There are aspects within many of us which believe that an unjust God was placed in debt when we were created.

And now that we have used prayer and pennies in fountains to guilt trip God, we have a thing called “hope” which will ideally reward us for being a “good” child.

Because this is the same guilt tactic which has manipulated our innocent hearts for lifetimes. And if it worked on us, it’s only fair that it must work on the whole universe.

Because if it doesn’t, it means we’ve wasted a lot of time and pennies and we’d have to change our understanding of reality.

We’d have to change our manifestation tactics from the ground up.

One way we’ve described this is a paradigm called lucky/unlucky. If I’m “lucky” there’s a karmic charge rewarding me, if I’m “unlucky” there’s a karmic charge punishing me. Either way, I get to remain a child rather than taking any responsibility for changing my approach.

Many new age communities have unconsciously repurposed lucky/unlucky as “astrological influence” or the resulting excitement of synchronicity.

The distorted lens of Lucky/Unlucky is a paradigm of manipulation. Just as when we were children our whole world perhaps depended on the “good” or “bad” mood of the governing adults. “Safe” or “unsafe” was out of our control. And more importantly, our “deserving” of it was out of control as well.

And being stuck in this paradigm we’ve constantly been lucky/unlucky in relationships, with unstable employers, and fairweather friends.

Mark Twain’s story of “The Prince and the Pauper” is an excellent analogy of this inner duality that lives within many of us. This story, in which two look-alike young men switch caste positions, offers a potent insight into the benefits and limitations of each role. It is essentially a shadow work experience bringing to light the bigger picture of wholeness, as it sheds light on the absurd attachments and limitations of sticking to one polarity.

As we learn to neutralize the tendencies of our limited identity, true authenticity has an opportunity to gain foothold. This allows us both the Pauper’s freedom to feel relative safety without wealth, as well as the Prince’s freedom to “deserve” the social power.

There’s a very interesting pattern which often happens, which is that people who have great financial wealth often receive more things at no cost than those who don’t have anything. This is directly related to their conscious or unconscious self-assessed level of “deserving”.

The Pauper also genuinely values their perceived misunderstanding of “freedom” – a freedom from powerful responsibility – an aspect which truly dislikes and doesn’t want wealth. This has created a massive source of inner conflict which will continously play out until it’s acknowledged at the root.

Luckily, we live in a benevolent universe and any distortion can be easily repaired. By simply coming into contact with the parts of our body which hold beliefs in undeserving or fear of the associated responsibilities of wealth, these can all melt away to reveal the innocent power which has always been at the ready for us all.

Deciding to take powerful responsibility is what liberates us from the limitations of the Pauper. This is also known as the archetype of the Inner Father, or Shiva/King.

Outgrowing the absolute reliance on the whims of the universe grants us the ability to step out of the various caste programs we are born into.

We have only been “caste” into roles.
We have been actors wearing masks.

The most powerful decisions we can ever make are in regards to our identity.

A true, authentic decision requires no belief. Imagine deciding you are going to make a phone call to find out how late a restaurant is open. The easiness of this decision is so because it does not rest on any belief system. There is no attachment to a specific outcome. It tends to be a truly open hearted and simple decision.

With such ease must our identity decisions be.

We can’t fool ourselves with affirmations which feel untrue, nor can we decide with fingers crossed from a place of hope to trick ourselves into wearing a different mask.

A true decision to embody our power often instigates a purging of grief, a releasing of being “good” toward our family loyalties, and of releasing the guilt that has been causing us to desire a life of rewards from our master…resonating with the limited consciousness of trained dogs.

For some the next steps will be obvious. Others will require assistance and facilitation. Or maybe even a mix of both.

May you be blessed!


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