The Pitfalls of Anthropomorphizing Power

If I look at a pitcher throwing a baseball and seeing it hit by a batter…I could say the ball is the feminine and it is “submitting” to the thrust of the bat, which is masculine. Makes perfect sense and most readers will agree. However, some readers will also pick up on the fact that the bat is being driven by a person. So, now there is a spectrum of masculinity in this analysis. The bat is both giving and receiving. And in macro view, it’s doing neither (its molecules are basically stationary).

It can be easy to anthropomorphize the bat and the ball to imagine they desire to impact one another…simply because doing so offers results.

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Video: “The Lie of Behaviorism”

In Psychological and Spiritual communities, behaviorism shows up very frequently as a pervasively disempowering perspective. No one can accurately say with any blanket statement that there is right behavior and wrong behavior. There can be a million different reasons and energies behind a singular behavior, that it makes only the catalyzing power relevant, not the action.

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Mental intelligence is very interesting, of course, because if we can visualize models of how things work – we can more easily mimic the energetics of those models. However, once we know those models and especially when we begin to embody those models…memorization becomes a waste of energy.


Why is it “Quantum”?

Ever wonder why I chose to name the platform through which we spread the DaoPlay personal transformational modality “The Quantum Theater”? Because DaoPlay works FAST. It’s Quantum fast. It moves through emotional hooks like nothing I have ever seen and collapses the traditional time frame down to almost nothing. Here’s a quote about a recent […]

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Forgiveness is always an option

Your partner (or your potential partner) is on their own journey. It’s so tempting to make their behavior all about yourself, but it’s totally unrelated. No one is on this planet to respect you or to disrespect you. No one is here to make you feel good or to make you feel bad. Sometimes those […]

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Going all the Way

I write about reclaiming our power, remembering ourselves, owning our triggers. I will never refer to this process as “self-improvement”, I rarely even like to use the words “healing” or “spirituality”. Though some of my writing may have a poetic tone, I do not philosophize or beat around the bush. In the end, it is […]

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Eyes of Evaluation

EYES OF EVALUATION???????? Whenever we are looking through eyes of evaluation, we are placing our mind in charge. Evaluation means determination of good or bad, right or wrong. Sometimes it’s appropriate, but in general this is the unconscious human addiction. “Logic” is completely evaluative. Emotional Intelligence (EQ) does not exist in the realm of logic. […]

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